Chills and Thrills featuring Friday the 13th, Counterpart and Brand New Cherry Flavor
This edition of Chills and Thrills features devils, slashers, science fiction as well as an uber weird supernatural mini-series.
This edition of Chills and Thrills features devils, slashers, science fiction as well as an uber weird supernatural mini-series.
This edition of Chills and Thrills features cult classics, adorable robots and a Mars sci-fi, as well as some cosmic and old school supernatural horror.
John Dies at the End is a lovecraftian horror comedy that manages to be weird but not much more than that.
There is so much hilarity in Freaks of Nature that you wouldn’t be blamed for feeling a bit achy in the sides after a while.
I like a good weird movie, but sometimes it goes too far into the quacky side. So I have narrowed 6 more weird movies for you to watch.
Killing Gunther tries to be a satirical comedy in a mockumentary style, but it lacks the smarts to pull it off effectively.
I like a good weird movie, but sometimes it goes too far into the quacky side. So I have narrowed down 8 weird but good movies for you to watch.
Scouts Guide to the Zombie Apocalypse definitely won’t be referenced in pop culture, like the films it derives its humour and style from.
Suburban Gothic is a pretty tame ghost story, that although it has a bit of charm to it, is largely forgettable.
Countdown will not blow your mind with originality in its plot, deaths or characters. Nevertheless, it is still a fun watch that will keep you entertained for its whole duration.
Featuring everything from horror to sci-fi, reviews and best and worst lists.
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